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Central Office: COUNCILBLF, IA - AT&T LOCAL [?]

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Rob of NY - 03-24-2015

Called back as a lark-- "Mmake 100's of thousands of dollars per year." Work for 20 minutes and make a fortune. Your part of a select few that we will mentor to make a fortune

The usual scam -- they make money and you get
fu--ed. Stay away from these scumbags.

.... Who falls for these dirt-bags. All they need is 1 in 1000 and they make out fine. The scammed are left holding the bag.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Number: 712-308-7850


Amy - 02-14-2015

Caller was automatic and said "IF you would like to hear a message of hope, press 1 now" and then beeped and hung up:/ No idea who this is

Caller type: Telemarketer
Number: 712-308-7850


TiredOfTeleMarketers - 02-14-2015

Telemarketer- no option to remove my number - ILLEGAL!!

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: 712-308-7850
Number: 712-308-7850


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