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ticked - 10-04-2013

Received a call this morning from a "Yolannda", starts off her message as if we were just the best of friends or as if I JUST WON a brand new car (like on the Price is Right game show). This is a credit collection agency! starts off all sweet for the message ( I will not answer calls from numbers I don't know-that call a cell phone) the turns to a tone and states "it's in YOUR best INTEREST to call ME back today"...ok, don't have a clue who this Premium Asset Services company or PAS is (had to google the previous number to find this out-FYI, that number is 855-895-9005 for this same person), as I certainly have never gotten any paperwork from these people showing a declaration for a "debt I owe nod need to pay them for..NOW". These people leave threatening messages, are extremely rude, just fall short of breaking the law----and this is via a MESSAGE!!
Such fun knowing that in this country, we have companies like this. Instead of inventing a new product or car, this country invents places where people get paid for what I would deem "road rage behavior"..?

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Yolannda
Company: Premium Asset Services
Number: 714-415-3926


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