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Jackrabbit - 12-07-2012

This is a rude collection agency that also calls from 866-826-5663. They are arrogant and continuoulsy threaten legal action. I blocked their number with the phone company. They are Consumer Advocacy Group,who buy bad Payday Loan paper. They have been shut down by several states and are based in New York.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: Consumer Advocacy Group
Number: 716-332-6413


Advocate - 10-23-2012

This number (716) 332-6413 called me on October 23, 2012 at 9:44 a.m. and left the following message on my voice mail:

"This is an urgent message for [my name]. You need to contact or call back, immediately, in regards to an important decision being made against you at this time. Our number is (716) 332-6413 or you can press 1 to connect to the office now. Thank you."

I called them back just to hear the name of the company. Someone named Mark answered the phone and said, "Hello, Consumer Advocacy Group. This is Mark."

I looked up the number and found that it is a Buffalo, New York landline listed uner Stephanie Jones, 70 Easton Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14215 [Source:]

I also found this company website, which I am not sure if it is related:

I then found a CEASE AND DESIST ORDER against this company from the state of Maine - Consumers Advocacy Group; 6000 N Bailey Ave, Ste 2C; Amherst, NY 14226 (716) 837-3700;

I also found the following ad for collectors listed on Indeed's site:


Company: Consumers Advocacy Group
Area: Amherst
Experienced in collections? We will bring you on and give you fresh accounts: 2010-2012 chargeoffs. Professional small office environment, honest and appreciative management. Primarily payday loan accounts with an increasing flow of credit cards, DDA, and bank loans. Straightforward and rewarding cash bonus structure. When you succeed, we succeed! We are not currently seeking unexperienced employees.

Experienced collectors wanted
Up to $16.00/hour
For PDL Debt Collector
position at Consumers Advocacy Group

You will not find a better collections position with more freedom and benefits in Buffalo.
Located on Ridge Lea Rd., Amherst
Hours: 9AM-5:30PM Monday-Thursday. Friday 9AM-4:00PM

Call 716-715-4000
and set up an interview today!

Consumers Advocacy Group


Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: None it was a Voice Broadcast Call
Company: Consumers Advocate Group
Number: 716-332-6413


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