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Central Office: OCSD OCSD, CA - SPRINT SPECTRUM L.P. [?]

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The Leatherman - 10-03-2012

The company is Poseidon Media Group. They're a phone boiler operation to raise money for High School Sports teams. Website is: They unfortunately do not use a "do not call" list from the FTC, but should. Their phone reps and managers make fun of anyone who says "no" to their pitch and further thinks that no one can do anything about them. Well, if you're on the do not call list, report 'em. They need to get busted because they will ignor your request to be taken off their list. If you wish to go direct with them, their office number is 800-630-4213 or 760-622-0162.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: Poseidon Media Group
Number: 760-453-2107


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