FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android


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gloria - 09-22-2015

I was getting phone calls everyday from this number on all 3 of my phones. The call is from the California Renewable Energy Program. Every day I would ask to be removed from the call list and was told it would be. This went on for a couple of months. I finally made an appointment for a field inspector to come to my home. When he arrive I got his business card and explained to him that I wanted my phones off of the call list and I had no intentions on buying anything. I went on the Web Sight on the business card and sent them an E-Mail explain the situation. I then informed them that every time they called one of my numbers I would be making and appointment so that I could waste as much of their time as they had wasted mine. Haven't heard from them since.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: California Renewable Energy Program
Number: 800-931-2701


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