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TOM - 07-31-2014

Cyber Fraud.... Pretended to be Comcast. Indian Guys called me and told me my IP address had been compromised and that "bad people" were monitoring my computer from Nigeria and Russia for last 6 months... Told me that this was identity theft and these people obviously looking at my online banking, online shopping, mail and social networking and had spent $250 in buying movies in last 3 days... Shouted at me that they would fix it but I better promise them that I will ensure this is not repeated... Also told me the IP address is only 1 per person and that US govt gives 1 IP a life time and that cannot be changed and so I am helpless without them.... Gave me option of Techzilla and RightTech Security (based on my zip code which they asked, along with my email, phone and home address) to solve problem. Transferred me to cheaper by $25 RightTech Security (which apparently was guy in the next cube), who chargred $300 to fix computer and $100 per other device... (total $1000)... This guy tell me to call the RightTech number 1855-217-9038 and ask for Amit as soon as I reach home so he will remote in to my computer network and fix all (so much for Tech support based on my US zip code!).... These people went on calling me repeatedly till I got brainwashed.... Thankfully came to my senses after keeping the phone so I did not reach home and call them to have them remote in to my machine "to fix things", as I had told them.... Disputed their charge by calling CC company.... Scam / Hoax / Theives / Conmen!!!!

Company: Pretends to be Comcast
Number: 800-986-5675


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