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b - 10-08-2014

Asked to speak to the person in charge of maintenance. I told her we do not have such a person and I hung up. She immediately called back and I picked it up and hung up again without speaking to her. We are on DNC list...what a joke.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Number: 813-514-1264


anonymous - 08-14-2014

I told the guy our company was not interested and he became extremely rude and aggressive with me. The guy told me it wasn't a matter of if I was interested or not and would call back tomorrow before hanging up on me. I called them back to have our number removed from their list ; Commercial Lighting company is a joke their recording talks about how customer service is number #1. The guy that called sounded threatening like he was going to force our company to do business with them. The girl that answered was very nice and said she will put us on their DNC (do not call) list. She claims it takes 24-48 hours to track down the lead. We'll see.....

Caller type: Telemarketer
Caller: drew
Company: Commercial Lighting Company
Number: 813-514-1264


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