FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android


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anonymous - 08-09-2012

We need CRIMINAL penalties against the companies that are profiting from these calls. Follow the money, slap them in jail, no one left to outsource to overseas boiler rooms, problem solved.
Since they are operating across borders it should become a federal felony and should be handled by the FBI under the RICO Act.

Caller type: Scammer
Number: 818-798-1988


anonymous - 08-08-2012

Here is something that might work for smartphones.
There’s no charge to use Mr. Number as your app for texting, calling and blocking calls. Mr. Number Caller ID is also free if you agree to share contact information. If you choose not to share contact information with them, you can purchase Caller ID for $9.99/year or $1.99/month.

Caller type: Scammer
Number: 818-798-1988


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