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Marcielle Lee - 05-17-2010

They called my cell and my work phone several times with messages stating "that I will have the courthouse come and get me if I do not pay"! I owe nothing! I called them about 30 times in a row to call them scammers. They in turn called my voice mail 16 times in a row and called me horrible names and stated they would bloody my husband. This is a crazy scam and they have scared me! I have contacted my local Sheriff's Office, the FBI and FCC. I have also changed all my accounts to new ones. I will not be victim of this scam don't let yourself be one either!!!

Caller type: Collection Agency
Number: 818-836-6620


Miranda - 05-11-2010

I have received numerous threatening phone calls from this number. The first time they called they left a message that they needed to hear from me or my attorney and if they did not then they wished me luck but did not leave a company name. There was a pause in the message before a person's name was left.
When they called my work phone # again and I answered she said she would be faxing my employer all kinds of legal documentation to get me fired and that I wouldn't be able to work in this country again for 6 years then hung up.

Caller type: Other
Number: 818-836-6620


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