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Mempho - 11-20-2015

Called me on my cell and work phone stating I owed some company called Tior Capital $450 for an online loan in 2013. Never have heard or dealt with any company and I alerted them they were a scam after I researched them and she hung up. However, got another call about an hour later.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Rose Thompson
Company: Stark Recovery
Number: 866-690-6793


Marcy - 11-20-2015

This person contacted me stating that I took out a loan for $400 two years ago. Wanted me to pay it or they were going to start litigation and that would cost me over $2,000.00. He had all of my personal information and also contacted my employer requesting my location.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Eric Boise
Company: Stark Recovery
Number: 866-690-6793


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