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Sam - 05-09-2014

I receive a call from this number multiple times per day. I have no clue who they are. I just called them multiple times to try to get them to remove my number from their calling list. I was met with the most disrespect from there "customer support" team. Each time I called I was hung up on after being yelled at. They wanted me to give them my personal information which I refused. All I wanted was a confirmation on who they were (each time they gave me a different name) and have them remove my number from their list. I threaten to call back as many time as it would take to have them remove my number. If they are going to harass me, I can return the favor. Finally after the fifth call or so I was greeted by a female who listen more than a few seconds and said my number was already blocked. Apparently the last idiot I spoke to go so fed up and blocked my number. We'll see if this is true come tomorrow. I advise anyone receiving a call from this number to do the same. Annoy the heck out of their low life staff. Anyone who takes a telemarketing job deserves to be just as much annoyed as the innocents public who have to deal with their calls.

Number: 866-718-7164


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