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Wang Lee - 07-06-2011

SCAM ARTIST POSE AS Federal Trade Commissioners .

Somebody mistook this SCAM phone number 1- 877-382-4352 as Federal Trade Commission, The real number of Federal Trade Commission phone number is 1- 877-382-4357 .

When somebody mistook and call 1- 877-382-4352 they though they are calling FTC to report other SCAM , but actually they are calling the SCAM number, when you dial 1- 877-382-4352, the thieves on the other line will pose as FTC and he will take the report from you . After you done with the report, the scam Indian from the phone 1- 877-382-4352 will tell you that you are winning $500 USD Gift Certificate and will ask you to pay him $7 dollars for mailing & handling charge . Don't pay him anything because your $500 USD Gift Certificate will never came .

Criminals Posing As Federal Trade Commission Is a Crime .

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Indian Accent
Company: Pose as Federal Trade Commission
Number: 877-382-4352


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