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Phil - 11-27-2010

As many as 5 times a day I get this call and no one is on the line. Other than blocking I don't know what to do.

Caller type: Other
Number: 877-642-1263


Mike - 12-26-2009

I am constantly receiving calls from this number but since I screen my calls and this is nobody that I know, I will not answer.

Number: 877-642-1263


Erica - 07-16-2009

I have received about 45 calls from this company (Allied Interstate Collections) with a 48 hour period. I have complied with the message request to contact the following number (877) 642-1263, unsuccessfully, in excess of 15 unique attempts.

Additionally, multiple phone conversations have occurred, with the above listed number, informing the aforementioned has contacted this number in error or the information listed for this debit has been incorrectly or inaccurately provided. Thus, requesting this phone number & all associated account numbers permanently removed from any collection/data record information systems associated/owned/affiliated with the aforementioned company/number/resource.

Number: 877-642-1263


Jane - 07-16-2009

I have received about 45 calls from this company (Allied Interstate Collections) with a 48 hour period. I have complied with the message request to contact the following number (877) 642-1263, unsuccessfully, in excess of 15 unique attempts.

Additionally, multiple phone conversations have occurred, with the above listed number, informing the aforementioned has contacted this number in error or the information listed for this debit has been incorrectly or inaccurately provided. Thus, requesting this phone number & all associated account numbers permanently removed from any collection/data record information systems associated/owned/affiliated with the aforementioned company/number/resource.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: Alllied Interstate
Number: 877-642-1263


Loli - 06-01-2009

Caller with heavy foreign accent called me from this number. Said he works for Allied Interstate. He claims I've a debt to settle. I don't believe these guys.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: Alllied Interstate
Number: 877-642-1263


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