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Chief - 10-19-2016

It's an ongoing legal scam. They buy some bits of your personal information from wherever then they call claiming they're a process server (hint- process servers don't call to warn you they are trying to serve you) or are otherwise taking legal action against you. They try to make it sound scary. Sometimes they say it's about your tax (second hint- the IRS has said they won't contact you by phone regarding tax issues, and they would contact you before taking legal action). This could be related to the Bahamas Marketing Group payday loan scam the government shut down a few years ago. Don't call them back, don't give them information, and if they keep calling, report the harassment to your local law enforcement.
If in doubt, call your local clerk of court, they can check if there are any lawsuits filed against you. As well, remember, individuals and companies cannot bring criminal actions against you, no matter what they say. That has to be done by the government.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Monica
Number: 877-657-7894


T - 10-18-2016

Calls and says he/she are wanting to serve legal documents. First they ask for your name next thing they ask for your birth date? Like i said i don't verify personal information over the phone.And i hang up so they are phishing...They put this Arnold Schwarzenegger voice on the phone.....urrrr!

Caller type: Other
Number: 877-657-7894


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