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Cary - 07-13-2012

It said they are" EXECUTIVE PLACEMENT - CAMPAIGN MANAGEMENT. I will need to came them back in the morning. Im definetly looking for employment. It say they don't charge upFRONT. I get 90 days once you are work to pay their commission of 15%. Thank the stars

Company: employment agency
Number: 888-420-6488


Cary - 07-13-2012

It said they are" EXECUTIVE PLACEMENT - CAMPAIGN MANAGEMENT. I will need to came them back in the morning. Im definetly looking for employment. It say they don't charge upFRONT. I get 90 days once you are work to pay their commission of 15%. Thank the stars

Caller type: Other
Company: Emplyoment Agency
Number: 888-420-6488


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