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moonbug - 05-04-2010

It's from Teleperformance Canada. They called me several times a day at all hours for a week. I never picked up though as they are only calling to see what time of day you answer the phone for their records. They say they are calling on behalf of Bank of Montreal, so I emailed BMO customer service and asked if they use these tactics and how can I get taken off the calling list. The reponded that Teleperformance does not work for them and that I am already on BMO's do not call list. The calls stopped immediately though. A couple weeks later a got a call from them and picked up the phone without looking first. I got an operator who said she was representing BMO. I told her I talked to BMO and they said they did not represent them. She transferred me immediately to her supervisor who asked me SEVERAL times what BMO had said to me. I simply repeated SEVERAL times what I had said to the first girl. She then asked if I wanted to receive further calls from Teleperformance and I said NO. I haven't received any calls from them since.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: Teleperformance Canada
Number: 888-458-4073


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