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Brey - 08-25-2012

I reported this number to the FCC I believe it's a scam

Number: 888-674-5837


unknown - 08-20-2012

These people have claimed to be about 3 different companies to me. now they are using a blocked number and saying they are trying to serve me papers and need my info. and I need to call my case worker from the court with the same number that was given to me by a person who previously said they were a litigation company. This is either a scam or debt collectors who are breaking the law with scare tactics. They refuse to give any legitimate information to me, any real debt collector who wants my money will give me something in writing or at least an address. I've been researching this number and more and more people are claiming it to be a scam. if not they are breaking the law by how they are treating people. They also told me previously that they were sending the sheriff to my house to have me arrested.

Caller type: Sociopath
Number: 888-674-5837


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