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HL - 12-13-2016

Automated call from who knows with threats.
Does anyone know.

Caller type: Other
Number: 888-872-2913


anonymous - 12-12-2016

Called them back anonymously. It goes to a vm that mailbox 146 is full. If you dial ext 145 then you get (pseudonym) Christopher MIles. Claims to be with CFS. When asked what CFS stands for, he states it's not an acronym, but they are a mediation company. Yeah, right! Refuses to provide a mailing address for a cease and desist letter. Also gets upset that I called in anonymously. Obvious scam. So far calls have come in from 888-872-2913 and 888-484-3985.
***Hey "Chris" hope you end up as Bubba's cellmate and whore.***

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Christopher Miles
Company: cfs
Number: 888-872-2913


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