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Michael L - 12-31-2011

I was with these idiots for almost half a year. They were located in a strip mall, "recruited" new members in garage parking lots, bus stops and fast food restaurants. They talked about how much money they made but then had to beg at group meetings for money for new projectors.

This MLM outfit requires those with no morals about pressure selling, even to friends and family, and is a total waste of time. Selling idiots dreams is what they do. I joined them to network but the human refuse they recruit have no connections unless you want to know people who've done time.

Caller type: Scammer
Company: Primerica
Number: 905-264-9962


William Wong - 12-25-2011

I received a number of calls from this Tal Grossman failure claiming he was very interested in my resume for a \"management\" position. It turned out to be a crock of BS - he is simply recruiting agents to peddle Primerica products - no salary, no benefits - commission only.

Recruits are simply used as tools to gain access to their friends and family. First, you pay fees to join - that\'s right, you pay THEM to work for them. Then as part of your \"training\" they will set up appointments with your friends and family and the recruiter will give a high-pressure sales pitch for their overpriced products (remind you of Amway??). The recruiter and his \"upline\" in the pyramid keep the commission of course. Once they\'ve milked what they can out of your friends and family, they tell you that if you want to make any money there you have to go out and recruit other chumps and do the same thing to them. At this point, of course, almost all of the victims leave. For those who stay, the average income is an abysmal joke - $5296 per year, according to Primerica\'s info -

Be warned and informed, this is a total joke and waste of time - don\'t fall for their deceptive recruiting tactics and claims that this is a legitimate \"business opportunity.\"

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Tal Grossman
Company: Primerica
Number: 905-264-9962


Feedom Lives Here - 12-24-2011

We as RVPs were trained to find a persons “dream” button and push it. We knew that more than 90% of the people are going to quit within 6 months so we needed to keep pushing to get them “in the field” so we could sell and recruit more people to get us into their markets. We as RVPs knew that our products are non-competitive, but we had no choice. We were stuck and where else could we make a living. So what we did is sell our souls in hopes of becoming the next "big shot." The truth is that we knew that we needed to pretend like we care. We knew that employees would quit, but it is much harder to quit on a friend so we became your long lost brother!! The second you stopped taking us to appointment, stopped bringing people to meetings, stopped going to meetings, or started asking about why PFS products are so non-competitive we treated you like a leper. We knew that we must get people out of the baseshop who are smart enough to question the system & products. We didn’t want you to pollute the baseshop!!

I am so embarrassed that I conducted myself in this manner for so long. I have begun to redeem myself and I hope that some of my postings will open people’s eyes to their options.

Caller type: Scammer
Company: Primerica
Number: 905-264-9962


disgusted - 12-23-2011

I guess Primerica got wise to all of the complaints filed against them and won't give the name of their company over the phone. This company is a more aggressive, deceitful version of the pyramid scheme. I had to put on a suit and drive thirty minutes to go to a commercial posing as a job interview. It was pretty annoying and humiliating, but nothing compared to the people who have lost careers and cash to this sleazy company.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Tal Grossman
Company: Primerica
Number: 905-264-9962


disgusted - 12-23-2011

I guess Primerica got wise to all of the complaints filed against them and won't give the name of their company over the phone. This company is a more aggressive, deceitful version of the pyramid scheme. I had to put on a suit and drive thirty minutes to go to a commercial posing as a job interview. It was pretty annoying and humiliating, but nothing compared to the people who have lost careers and cash to this sleazy company.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Tal Grossman
Company: Primerica
Number: 905-264-9962


Crudhammer - 12-12-2011

The average of a Primerica representative in 2010 was $5296 per year, according to Primerica\'s info -

About one quarter of minimum wage.

Caller type: Scammer
Company: Primerica
Number: 905-264-9962


Giselle - 02-07-2009

Wanted me to report for a job interview. Looked the number up and read some bad feedback about this company being involved in a pyramiding scam. I don't know if I should go or not..

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: Primerica
Number: 905-264-9962


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