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Mike L - 12-31-2011

I was with these idiots for almost half a year. They were located in a strip mall, "recruited" new members in garage parking lots, bus stops and fast food restaurants. They talked about how much money they made but then had to beg at group meetings for money for new projectors.

This MLM outfit requires those with no morals about pressure selling, even to friends and family, and is a total waste of time. Selling idiots dreams is what they do. I joined them to network but the human refuse they recruit have no connections unless you want to know people who've done time.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Primerica
Company: Primerica
Number: 905-964-2262


Ray Anchetta - 11-26-2011

This number belongs to a piece of garbage named Tal Grossman. This idiot used high pressure sales tactics to con an elderly relative into borrowing a lot of money to buy Primerica's garbage mutual funds, which tanked,leaving this senior many thousands of dollars in the hole. Others in the area have told me similar stories about this parasite.

BEWARE of this Tal Grossman Primerica scumbag and avoid any sort of business dealings with this unethical parasite.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Primerica Parasite Tal Grossman
Company: Primerica
Number: 905-964-2262


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