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nightwhisper - 08-17-2013

I just received a call from someone asking me to donate $100 or $150 to a group trying to stop Hillary Clinton from running in 2016. But during the phone call I wasn't sure what the spelling of the website that the guy mentioned, so I asked him. I wasn't sure if he was saying PAC or PACT for part of the website name so I asked him which is it. PAC or PACT. All he did was repeat the full website name. So I asked him was it P A C (or was it) P A C T. All he did was repeat the full website name yet again. Again I asked him was it P A C (or was it) P A C T. After the telephone call ended I did a google search and found out the website is (I want to stop Hillary, but this is a fake website for a fake group). Since this guy didn't even know the spelling of the company name I knew it was an attempt at identity theft or just plain theft of my credit card number he wanted. Strange how this same number is being used for debt collection for other people and now for a fake website today for me

Caller type: Politician
Company: stophillarypacorg
Number: 917-268-9953


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