FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android


Central Office: ALLEN, TX - MCIMETRO, ATS, INC. [?]

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Randi - 01-06-2014

US ONLINE came up on caller id with the first call. I've had this number about 3 years now & still get the occasional debt collector call for the Taylors. In this case it's Tequila Taylor.
The top tier debt collectors figured out the first week or so I had this number that the Taylors had ditched it, but as the accounts are sold further down the line, the robocalls continue.
This company has an option to let the ROBOCALL machine know it is a wrong number, but that either does not work, or it's ignored.
I want to keep my phone number so I am adding this number to my blocked callers.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: US ONLINE
Number: 972-954-1015


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