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Central Office: ROCKWALL, TX - MCIMETRO, ATS, INC. [?]

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katie brown - 03-06-2014

she said she was with the Arapahoe County Sherriff Department and was calling because she had a warrant for me because of an unpaid bill!!!
I told them not to contact me at work, I do not know who they are and do not owe them any money.
they then hung up and called my supervisor and told her the same thing!!! I told them to send anything they thought they had for me to my address and I would go from there.
she hung up and called me back three times at work again!!!

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: only said she was with Arapahoe County Sherriff Department
Company: only said she was with the Arapahoe County Sherriffs Department
Number: 972-961-7388


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