FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android


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Freeda - 04-06-2015

I have been getting multiple calls daily from this and other numbers that I have ignored. The recorded call talks about lowering interest rates. I finally decided to try to find out who is really calling, and I pushed "2" to be connected. It was a woman in a noisy call center who talked about buying an emergency alert system. I asked the name of the company and she said "Endless MedAlert" - though she mumbled so badly I had to ask it be repeated three times. I immediately tried to find them on the web and failed, and when I told her that, she said, "We don't have a website." I then asked for the phone number so I could be sure it is a legitimate company (as though I might purchase) and she hung up. Of course.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Caller: cassie
Company: Endless MedAlert
Number: 989-564-8569


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