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Alan fenster

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Leslie - 02-27-2015

This old sick pervert by the name of Al@n Fenster. He's a lawyer in Beverly Hills, CA
He is Absolutely disgusting. He is a Los Angeles lawyer and meets hookers and have them have anal sex with him, correction... he wants to be fucked in the butt. He likes to wear women's underwear, heels, he ties up his genitals, this guy is just an old , perverted freak

Caller type: Other
Caller: Alan fenster
Number: 310-729-1984


Leslie - 02-27-2015

This old sick pervert by the name of Al@n Fenster. He's a lawyer in Beverly Hills, CA
He is Absolutely disgusting. He is a Los Angeles lawyer and meets hookers and have them have anal sex with him, correction... he wants to be fucked in the butt. He likes to wear women's underwear, heels, he ties up his genitals, this guy is just an old , perverted freak

Caller type: Other
Caller: Alan fenster
Number: 310-729-1984

