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Alarm company

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2ee2 - 06-02-2016


Caller type: Scammer
Company: Alarm company
Number: 631-257-5475


CL - 09-03-2014

They have called our office every minute on the hour for the past 2 hours. When I hold down the "1" of "2" key, a person comes on the line thinking you are interested in buying one of their home security systems. As soon as you tell them they are harassing your business - they hang up. the think this is funny! They have called our office's MAIN LINE every minute for the past 2 hours. They need to be prosecuted. I believe this alarm company is the same one the Governor of NC or SC shut down for harassing businesses.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Caller: Michelle and Jeff
Company: Alarm company
Number: 417-800-2807


Do Not Call - 04-02-2013

hung up after the robo caller announced phoney FBI statistics about home break ins

Caller type: Telemarketer
Caller: Alarm company
Company: Level 3 Communications LLC
Number: 253-236-2310

