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Bureau of Criminal Investigations

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Frank Krazit - 01-31-2013

I received a voice mail to call back (904) 4369068. The party advised on the message that, I should call back regarding a criminal proceeding against me and to, please call Samuel Baxter at 9044369068 ext 2060,,, I called the phn# request ext#2060, no internal transfer and the same voice addressed me as Samuel Baxter. He advised a criminal proceeding for a loan dispersed in 2012 to a Wells Fargo acct of mine.
A) I did not have a loan in 2012.
B) Previous payday advance loan(s) i had were paid back (checks all recovered inn hand/voided).

Caller type: Other
Caller: Samuel Baxter
Company: Bureau of Criminal Investigations
Number: 904-436-9068


Fran - 05-05-2010

Caller had a strong Indian accent. He said he was a police officer with the Bureau of Criminal Investigations. He wanted my credit card information and threatened legal action if I did not comply.

Company: Bureau of Criminal Investigations
Number: 901-313-8389

