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Chris Conner

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Viola bailey - 06-18-2014

They are nobody they are fraud people my lawyer as to speak to them and one told her they were lawyers my lawyer ask for the company ID number they refuse to give it to her. So the FBI are taping their phone calls and now the number busy. It sounds to me their Indians using English names James Howard was the guy who call me.
So please these guys are out for money your bank accout .I know they will get them and just maybe they are using magic jack from computer a phone line that could only be use with Magic Jack you can buy many of them to have different numbers.

Caller: Chris Conner
Company: Yes he said he was from a Law Firm


Mag - 06-17-2014

Called our office and said he was looking for
an employee. Could I give her a message to
call him, it was very important.
I thought if they are not really from a Law
Firm, and are a Collection Agency, they couldn't pretend to be a Lawyer or from a Law
I didn't catch the name he gave - when I asked him again, he said didn't you every hear of a
Lawyer's Office - do you know what that is. He
had a heavy accent.

Caller type: Other
Caller: Chris Conner
Company: Yes he said he was from a Law Firm
Number: 337-873-1740

