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clyde winters

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James Tucker - 05-27-2015

I had the same thing happened to me 2 months ago I sent my money thought it was gone for good I called the BBB they told me it was a fraud so I got a lawyer and come to find out I really do have a payments and a court case is real it just a matter of when they finally close out the court case and according to my lawyer the bankcard caseload payouts begin next month I have already have been paid out on 2 cases because I hired a lawyer to turn in a exparty application to courts to be paid out immediately after Google transfered the website in my name if you don't do that You will have to wait until the courts take there sweet time to pay out settlements.I hope this helps.

Caller: clyde winters
Company: google engage


Louisisana - 05-27-2015

Clide has done the same thing to me. I was scam 500.00 what can be done about that.

Caller: clyde winters
Company: google engage


Sharon - 05-18-2015

He has done the very same thing to me. Told me the exact same amount and told me it would pay out April 7th - 14th and it is now May the 18th and I can't get him to call me back. Even went as far as giving me his Google ID# but I finally got in touch with the Google office in New York and they do not have a Clyde Winters listed on their roster. The bad thing is that I sent the first part of the money ($1,750)to a California address that he told me to like a fool, because I believed him. My question, is what can be done about these people?

Caller: clyde winters
Company: google engage


merrillyn - 04-27-2015

i need help. clyde has been calling me from 718-877-6308 claiming that he works for google engage out of New York. he claims that I can get my monies due from Bankcard Empire on the 3rd Tuesday in May a total of 40,159.00. this is from back in Feb. 2013. There will be a fee for me to pay and Google is supposedly paying the bulk. can you confirm if it is a scam?

Caller type: Other
Caller: clyde winters
Company: google engage
Number: 718-877-6308

