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Columbia Collection

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Concerned Brother - 05-07-2010

This “collection agency” keeps calling my little brothers cell phone. He is only 14! They call very frequently. My brother has already told them they have the wrong number.

One time I answered his phone for him to straighten it out. They asked for someone that I don’t know. I told them that I was sorry you have the wrong number and that it was my little brother’s phone. They apologized and explained who they were. Problem solved? Not a chance.

They still continually leave messages on his phone asking for some unknown person to call them. It sounds like a Spanish name. We don’t know any Spanish people! If you ask me, they don’t have a clue what they are doing! Sounds like some Mexican guy gave them the slip. Or they are just a dumb collection agency! I live in Oregon, so maybe I should give them a visit?

Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: Columbia Collection
Number: 503-635-9885

