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Con Edison

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ConEdisonSux - 01-27-2015

something about them reaching out when they need to via text

Caller type: Other
Caller: Robot
Company: Con Edison
Number: 877-618-1870


Frank - 09-27-2014

CLAIM . Con Edison is shutting power to my business due to failure to provide a $1000.00 deposit to change my meter. Claimed that I need to use Money Pak Card to pay for deposit. He stated that I need to get 2 $500.00 Money Pak cards and call him back with the numbers.
The number he called me from is 718-304-0266
ext. 225

Caller type: Other
Caller: Michael
Company: Con Edison
Number: 718-304-0266


John Doe - 08-15-2012

Whats this_

Caller type: Other
Caller: Steven Johnson
Company: Con Edison
Number: 347-921-4132


CP - 06-01-2012

Scam. Claimed to be calling from Con Edison. Said there was a problem and their computer did not update the records and that I will be getting a reduction in utility bills and a check in the mail. First they need to make sure the account is correct so he asked me to get my bill. I told him to send something in the mail. He said they do. I said I was busy and did not have access to my bill. He said, "Well I guess you don't need the money." He then hung-up. Sam, scam, scam. Careful. Call does not go through when I re-dialed.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Caller: David
Company: Con Edison
Number: 313-251-9925

