FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android

danadonna cruz

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christy t - 06-10-2010

asked to speak with the owner of the company. i asked for her name and company before putting her on hold to transfer the call. this lady didnt even know how to pronounce her own name! she told me her name was dana and i asked her to spell it and she spelled donna. i said "oh, you mean donna?" she replied, "yea, my name is donna." My boss will not ever talk to any of these people, not if i am answering the phone. have a little fun with them.
BEWARE! the company i work for received a phone bill with a $69.00 charge that no one authorized!!! do not say the word "yes" at any time because they record your conversation...

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: danadonna cruz
Company: googleyahoo ZIPWEB
Number: 877-366-2948

