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Frank Johnson American Name Indian Accent

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Faiq - 10-15-2015

Ini ada lagi dg modal namanya PT Bintang Bumi Mulia dgn modal Rp. 5 juta dapat pfirot 100% dalam waktu 3 bulan dan modal kembali sbb :bulan 1.Profit Sharing 30 % Rp 1.500.000bulan 2 Profit Sharing35 % Rp 1.750.000bulan 3 Profit Sharing 35 %Rp 1.750.000 Pengembalian Modal 100 %Rp 5.000.000 T o t a l : 200 %Rp 10.000.000

Caller: Frank Johnson American Name Indian Accent
Company: United Crime Division
Number: 201-234-4183


Silvana - 10-15-2015

Another Target for Mata Pribadi to Shoot at, Perhaps?It is with great interest that we read in today’s copy of The Jakarta Post, idneed as featured no less than in a Front Page article, that Bpk Amir Samsuddin, called up in the first paragraph, as the Minister of law and Human Rights (Menteri Hukum dan Ham if not incorrect), first commenting that no Human Rights violation had taken place. Very Good, we are all so happy!However, for those brave enough to read on without chuckling (or chucking perhaps?) following this comment, we see further reported in para. 5, that Amir indicated that human rights were not his strongest point. “I should not talk about human rights. They are something I am not good at,” Amir told journalists at the House of Representatives.'Perhaps one might question what in the history of fried rice sellers has he proven good at to secure such a lofty position in this country – perhaps Cross-Country embroidery? Hell’s Teeth, how do these people keep their positions?

Caller: Frank Johnson American Name Indian Accent
Company: United Crime Division
Number: 201-234-4183


Frank Johnson - 04-22-2010

They call with Indian Accents, can barely speak English but they use American Names and claim to be police officers, they threaten to have you jailed for a loan you didn't repay. They will not send you any documentation or tell you whom the loan was with, the date etc. They yell, scream and threaten to have a sheriff come arrest you in front of your kids. THey will threaten your kids if they answer the phone. They will not listen to reason when you tell them you don't owe them and they never used the same name, but its the same guy on the line if you ask to speak to a supervisor. These guys are idiots and I will gladly file a law suit against them if I could locate them. Whatever you do, don't send them any money, they are scammers, I met a lady on the internet that had wired them $500 and later found out they were a scam when they called back threatening that she owed more. Scam scam scam.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Frank Johnson American Name Indian Accent
Company: United Crime Division
Number: 201-234-4183

