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franklin cider mill

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Gabe - 07-22-2015

Thank you this asshole just contacted me he's still using that number

Caller: aaron thompson-VP human resources of franklin cider mill
Company: franklin cider mill


unknown - 04-08-2015

Verified. He contacted me yesterday from the same number. Definitely a scam.

Caller: aaron thompson-VP human resources of franklin cider mill
Company: franklin cider mill


Jomanji - 01-21-2015

He has a new phone number now it is ... 727-755-7158. today is 1/21/2015

Caller: aaron thompson-VP human resources of franklin cider mill
Company: franklin cider mill


Mary - 09-17-2014

Have been receiving text messages from this number.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Aaron Thompson
Company: franklin cider mill
Number: 754-202-1142


Mary - 09-17-2014

I applied for a job on craigslist and this message came to me saying that I have a job as long as he can trust me with this first task. Sent me a check and received it today for $2,987.00 told me to deposit it in my account and take $300.00 and take 1150.00 to a person Ned Carol device or something like that. As soon as I saw the check. I had a feeling that it was fake so I ripped it up. He then called me and when I told him that he immediately was accusing me of be stupid andacting like a fifteen year old. He then asked me to pay $200.00 back to him.
I am not sure what I should do.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Aaron Thompson
Company: franklin cider mill
Number: 727-239-4854


D - 09-04-2014

Replied with contact info due to the fact that I am currently seeking employment, don't normally entertain the idea of giving any personal info, but desperate times...

Caller type: Other
Caller: Aaron T Thompson
Company: franklin cider mill
Number: 727-280-5279


Jacob - 08-27-2014

I cant thank you enough for posting this number as a scam. I received the same info as i applied for a job on Craigslist. The man calls him self Aaron Thomson and wanted all my full contact information. I called the company no one knew who he was.

Thank you again. Dont trust this man

Caller: aaron thompson-VP human resources of franklin cider mill
Company: franklin cider mill
Number: 727-280-5279


Josh - 08-25-2014

He sent me a text message saying he wanted to know if i still was looking for work/wanting to see if i was still interested working for "FRANKLIN CIDER MILL". (A few days ago i went on craigslist in seattle/tacoma looking for work & i replied to this cinder mill/cider mill work) today on the 25 of august monday 2014 i got a message from 727-280-5279... can people do this type of stuff. Like actually act as an imposter or impersonate a job poster/ post and then turn around get all of m info then start to try to sell me shit or solicitate? This cant be legal...

Caller type: Other
Caller: aaron thompson-VP human resources of franklin cider mill
Company: franklin cider mill
Number: 727-280-5279

