FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android

Govt Camp OR

Comments RSS

Beaverton - 05-23-2014

No one is on the line, no message.

I am starting a Call trace event. (*57) will charge $1.00 but once I have three calls traced, Then the phone service provider will send a letter to Cease and Desist.

Caller type: Other
Caller: Govt Camp OR
Company: Govt Camp OR
Number: 503-272-6833


Beaverton - 05-23-2014

No one is on the line, no message.

I am starting a Call trace event. (*57) will charge $1.00 but once I have three calls traced, Then the phone service provider will send a letter to Cease and Desist.

Caller type: Other
Caller: Govt Camp OR
Company: Govt Camp OR
Number: 503-272-6833


Beaverton - 05-23-2014

No one is on the line, no message.

I am starting a Call trace event. (*57) will charge $1.00 but once I have three calls traced, Then the phone service provider will send a letter to Cease and Desist.

Caller type: Sociopath
Company: Govt Camp OR
Number: 503-272-6833

