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manasseh jordon ministries

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Lynne - 03-15-2014

They use this and like five other phone numbers, so you can't just block one. However, the lady I spoke with was extremely courteous and removed me from their calling queue (or so she says, guess I'll find out in a few days).

Their direct line is 800.232.8056

Caller type: Other
Caller: Recording of Prophet Manasseh Jordon
Company: manasseh jordon ministries
Number: 908-660-0041


robert m - 02-09-2014

i wish that little coconut head bastard, manasseh jordon quit calling my phone number. i cant stand that peanut head bitch

Caller type: Other
Caller: manasseh jordon
Company: manasseh jordon ministries
Number: 908-660-0041

