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Neil Parker

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Amy - 07-18-2013

This person Doug is a LIAR he's out to make us look and do not believe him he is a disgruntle white man that is mad because he did not get hired nor get into one of our properties to live in. He has no source of income, 4 kids, a wife, 3 dogs, he's getting evicted and smokes like a train to try and live in a 2 bedroom property of ours.....REALLY? He did not even post his real name to make this false report, that should tell you something about his character. So now he is posting us as telemarketers when we all no property rental do not call people people call us when they are inquiring about a home to live in.

You can call us and see for your self, we post rental property on Craigslist and they call, we don't call them how else would we get the number?

Caller: Neil Parker
Number: 989-475-4333


Amy - 07-18-2013

This person Doug is a disgruntle white man that is mad because he did not get hired nor get into one of our properties to live in. He has no source of income, 4 kids, a wife, 3 dogs, he's getting evicted and smokes like a train to try and live in a 2 bedroom property of ours.....REALLY? He did not even post his real name to make this false report, that should tell you something about his character. So now he is posting us as telemarketers when we all no property rental do not call people people call us when they are inquiring about a home to live in.

You can call us and see for your self, we post rental property on Craigslist and they call, we don't call them how else would we get the number?

Caller: Neil Parker
Number: 989-475-4333


R Kelly - 05-17-2013

Caller stated he was an attorney and demanded me to give phone numbers for corporate offices regarding a crime that occurred in Georgia. Caller became hostile when challenged. Did not provide a law firm name nor any other information.

Caller type: Other
Caller: Neil Parker
Number: 989-475-4333

