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No Bolier room background noise and breathing

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Concerned Victim - 03-20-2014

Victims be aware. I just received (15) calls in a row from this number within five-minutes.

I have suggested this on other Scam Websites.
I dedicate this comment to my family and all victims that have been seriously hurt and damaged, by Phone & Internet Scammers.

All victims must collective be at war with these criminals. See below:

Shutting-down Scammers Dialing Ability:

If all victims could collectively call this number and all other SCAMMERS, at least 100 times per day, we would 'Overwhelm their phone systems, and be extremely annoying.' Their phones would receive 1000's of calls daily. This would also decrease their ability to dial out.' If enough victims would do this daily, collectively, we could shut their call out ability down completely.

Seeking Blogger & Facebook Experts for Victims:

I am calling on all experts in these areas to help us Phone/ Internet Scam Victims. If we could have more Victim Websites, Blogs, and Facebook traffic, this would be very helpful at shuting some of these Scammers down. Collectively the Public needs to create an all out assault against this Scammers. If just this phone number were to go VIRAL... ... ... Can you imagine the Collective Impact of Many.

I believe that their are more law-abiding people in the world than criminals. With this,
I am asking that everyone that reads this, to cut & paste this comment, and forward this to the World. Together, we can put damage and hopefully put these criminals in jail.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: No Bolier room background noise and breathing
Number: 916-469-8861

