FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android


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jaspreet - 05-11-2015

647-707-9575-647-287-5949-416-543-6099 scam alert !!!! REMOTE SERVICES TO HACK INTO YOUR COMPUTER AND STEAL YOUR BANK & EMAILS INFORMATION SCAMMER GLOBAL NEWS,has documented this scam artist and thief that uses computer services and claim to fix computers but knows nothing. He sells pirated software but claim he does not..this guy is a Liar and a Thief. He belongs to a TAMIL GANG AND IS KNOWN TO POLICE. He uses computer services from 106 goodwood in Markham Ontario. This Pakistani Terrorist weighs up a customers security and later break in , Do not use this play station 4 junkie and a***ole to fix your computer. Why do you need 2 guys and 1 guy in the car to come to your house to fix a computer ???????????

Caller type: Sociopath
Caller: Omar
Company: 106 goodwood markhamontario
Number: 647-707-9575


Michael Rodolico - 03-18-2011

Calls all day all night. Disgusting scanner.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Omar
Company: pharmacy
Number: 206-451-5353


Kris - 03-02-2011

WILL NOT STOP CALLING.....37 calls a day is a bit much I'm really tired of it. The NON american on the other end of the line doesn't understand english any better than he speaks it. I think I'm gonna tell him I headed out to kill a cow the next time he calls, that should make him think since cows are sacred to them or something.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Omar
Company: JOT very bad english so I think thats what he said
Number: 206-451-5353

