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TN Highway Patrol

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NOT FOOLED - 01-26-2009

Just wanted to respond to person above. Don't be so hard on the TN Highway Patrol. You shouldn't blast them. The people calling from this number are scammers!! Not the TN Highway Patrol or State Troopers! They tried to collect money from me too and when I was about to agree to donate to those who actually serve and protect us, they suspiciously only wanted my payment by credit card over the check. You are right about them sounding like they were are crack..because they are! They are low life pieces of crap trying to take advantage of people during a recession by using a reputable source! I contacted the TN State Troopers and reported the scum bags and they are investigating and hopefully will have some luck. We all need to be a little suspicious and use our brains. Instead of being "rude and cussing" the TN Highway Patrol out, try looking into it first or nicely talking to them about it to find out if they really are the ones calling. One day you might thank them instead of "cussing them and being rude to them" when it comes to saving your life peaved american!

Caller type: Scammer
Company: TN Highway Patrol
Number: 615-212-4904


peaved american - 11-22-2008

These people called my home 2 days in a row asking for money for TN state troopers. The first call was a man claiming to be a friend of my husband's. He sounded like he was on crack. The second day some woman called and asked for money. Tell these people they are a government agency and they need to ask for their share of the bailout! Cops have a free car, free gas, and free food along with many other perks. They chose that job, so let them live within their salary. Everyone else has to. Why do cops need money from private citizens? My taxes already pay their salary and for all that free gas they use riding their friends and family around to do the shopping! Be as rude as possible and then call TN Highway patrol to cuss them too! We are in a recession! The government has enough of your money!

Caller type: Fundraiser
Company: TN Highway Patrol
Number: 615-212-4904

