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Yellow pages online

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Jay - 09-13-2012

I just got a call from this guy wanting $1000 for a YPO (Yellow Pages Online) bill from 2007. He started out pleasant then when he sensed pull back he became immediately aggressive and very rude. he said things like "I have a recording of you telling an 18 year old girl to go "F" herself." I actually grabbed a check and started to write it then did some checking and thinking. (I did check with the New York FBI.)
So, "Jerry" if you're reading this....
1. I wouldn't sign up for this, nor would I agree to pay for something we already get for free.
2. A real professional wouldn't bring the F-bomb up, even if it were true. They say something like "We have a recording of you saying some disparaging things to one of our employees. Don't divulge what it is until I ask.
3. Only a desperate man would call back.
4. you never gave me any info like name, address, phone number. I'm using "Jerry" because another complaint did.
5. no credentials as far as being a collector, lawyer, etc..
6. I do give you some credit for being a doosh though. Good work! The problem is, I don't give money over the phone to dooshes.
7. You finished with "you have my number and no how to reach me?" I said no, then you hung up without giving it to me. Jeez "Jerry", what if I wanted to call you back with the money?
8. Don't be so quick to turn aggressive. I worked in customer service for years and noticed it was the super pushy aggressive ones that were always scamming, or trying to push buttons.
9. Referring to me as a "deadbeat who doesn't want to pay his bills" then failing to listen to me explain how I just needed more proof as to who I'm giving money too, is a direct indication of illegitimacy. If you'd have supplied something a little more concrete besides your verbal harassment, you could be $1000 richer right now.
10. thank you! Because of this I studied up on these kind of scams and now will never be manipulated by someone like you again.

Just trying to you helpful advice, doosh! (Sorry to call you that, I don't know your real name.)

Caller type: Scammer
Company: Yellow pages online
Number: 347-377-9831


Marie - 06-19-2012

I've asked repeatedly to be removed from their calling list and that has yet to be done.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: Yellow pages online
Number: 785-392-6251


Mike S - 09-13-2010

DO NOT answer "Yes" to any question these guys ask you. IT IS A SCAM!!! You are being recorded so they can manipulate you saying the word "YES" to alter their recording so that you agree to a $499 advertising contract (This recently happened to my grandmother who owns a small business).

I own a small business and get calls from these morons about every 3 months or so. The last call I received was today. When Shawn finished his introduction, I told him that by Texas law I must notify him that I was recording our conversation. He said "FU#K YOU" and hung up.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Shawn
Company: Yellow pages online
Number: 681-324-8354


john - 05-13-2009

Guy called to confirm our entry in a y pages. He said we paid $99 2 years ago. I asked for where they distribute these, as there are a bunch of junk phone books out there, plus who uses them anyway. He gave me a website and it did not work.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: Yellow pages online
Number: 443-390-1600

