FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android


Central Office: AUBN MAIN, CA - PAC - WEST TELECOMM, INC. [?]

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WolfPack - 02-12-2020

This phone number 530-328-3904 called my sister in Oregon and demanded that she give them her bank account info and her credit card info, to buy a iPhone S10 for $900 off of her amazon account that she has not used in 4 months. this company keeps calling her phone from multiple numbers that are all coming from Pac West Telecommunications. they downloaded 3 applications onto her phone while she was trying to get their name. she has now contacted the police and filed a report because they keep calling her non-stop.

Caller type: Sociopath
Caller: no name given
Company: Pac West Telecommunications
Number: 530-328-3904


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