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Barb - 02-04-2015

left a voice mail as to the same extent as the above posters. I did not call back. This is the second call of this nature that I've recv'd. The other caller was at a different California phone # but it was the same schpiel.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Sheldon
Company: US Treasure Dept of Legal Affairs
Number: 562-398-4596


Kim - 01-27-2015

Received a call today from a man with a heavy Indian accent. I was told there were legal proceedings against me due to improperly filed tax returns. I was asked for the name of my attorney so they could begin the legal proceedings against me. Clearly this was a phishing scam unravelling. There were several other voices in the background giving the same dialogue to others. When I asked for the phone number to call back, I was given 562-398-4596. When I asked for the address of the agency where the man was physically located, he ended the call.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Mark Sanford
Company: US Department of Legal Affairs US Treasury
Number: 562-398-4596


George - 01-22-2015

Called asking for my son, heavy Indian accent, identified himself as Mike Smith - not too intelligible, made out that he was from Dept of legal affairs, my son called him back, claimed he was from US Treasury, that my son owed taxes from 2009, threatened incarceration, was going to have him speak to enforcer, way too many inconsistencies, hung up before he could get "closed".

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Mike Smith
Company: US Treasury Dept of Legal Affairs
Number: 562-398-4596


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