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Unknown Number on caller ID

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Linda - 03-17-2015

Hello we have been trying to reach you. This automated message should be considered as a final notice from IRS Internal Revenue Service. The reason of this call is to inform you that IRS is filing a lawsuit against you to get more information about this case file. Please call immediately on 360-205-3728. I repeat 360-205-3728. Thank you."

Caller: Unknown Number on caller ID
Company: IRS
Number: 360-205-3728


Maureen - 03-17-2015

I got the exact same computer generated message with the 360-205-3728 number. Idiots. I hope no one falls for this scam.

Caller: Unknown Number on caller ID
Company: IRS


RDCollins - 03-16-2015

And it's in a computerized voice, no less, obviously to hide the accent of whatever scumbag is calling. Probably from Russia, China, or Nigeria.

Caller: Unknown Number on caller ID
Company: IRS


Willy - 03-16-2015

"Hello we have been trying to reach you. This automated message should be considered as a final notice from IRS Internal Revenue Service. The reason of this call is to inform you that IRS is filing a lawsuit against you to get more information about this case file. Please call immediately on 360-205-3728. I repeat 360-205-3728. Thank you."

Gave me a good laugh for the day! Thanks! I needed that. :)

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Unknown Number on caller ID
Company: IRS
Number: 360-205-3728

